It’s been such a busy summer for the Sorrows! Sorry I haven’t written for a while—there’s lots to catch up on. The big news is that we released our debut EP, Ocean-Born Mary. And we had a great time playing our EP release party at Rock Shop together with our friends The Library and Clare Burson. This song from Clare’s album Silver and Ash has been in my head all summer.
We also made our first t-shirts (which should be up for sale online soon, I promise) with an amazing design from R-rated version too. And I visited Etsy headquarters (the most amazing office in the whole world!) to meet the lovely Kim Kellen who hand-embroidered a series of black handkerchiefs for us. Will have these online to sell soon too!
We put on a Gay Ole Opry in Philly (here we are doing Asleep at the Wheel, our ode to sleeping with your ex) and took our Brooklyn queer country team of Bryn Kelly, Wiley Gaby and Viva on the road together for the first time…and started scheming up future road trip plans. And we celebrated the first birthday of the Queer Country Monthly at Branded Saloon!

We also have a lot to celebrate besides just our new EP. For starters, our bassist AJ blew off band practice a few weeks ago to get married! I thought you might also want to see our drummer and recent birthday girl Tami creating the latest installment in her on-going series Tami Wears Traffic Cones as Hats.
What else did we do this summer? Elana took everyone surfing except for me because I’m too scared, we went on a Staten Island road trip to Mandolin Brothers where AJ looked at banjos and I bought a new guitar (finally!), and we ate a lot of tacos.
I’m a little sad to see the summer go, but we’ve got a busy fall ahead of us too, working on getting our new baby, Ocean-Born Mary, out into the world and planning the Brooklyn Gay Ole Opry on October 5th!